Wednesday, May 9, 2012

God bless all the different people that cross our paths during our day. Today I worked with a quirky lady with the US Census. She was unique, funny, and strange. At first I dreaded the morning with the numerous surveys, but it was quite interesting to watch her interact with the clients. I enjoy trying to make a boring, tedious situation into a blessing. Have you tried that lately? Try to make the mundane wait in line a chance to explore your surroundings without even moving. Where is the person next to your coming from? What can you do to make a strangers day a little better?  I guess you could say this could be your find the blessing among the mess.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hey Ya'll. This is my very first blog. I am a busy mother that just learned about this whole new world. Yes - I had heard about it. But, last night I met chrystal.cattle at a Women in Ag conference in Kansas and she inspired me to try this. I hope to be able to visit all of the wonderful things that it has to offer and explore all of the positive things around me. God Bless all and welcome to the sunny side of the world.